Thanks to our sponsor, this release introduces a feature to have better control over the users' permission by defining 3 different levels of access: Admin, Maintainer and User. This addition allows you to have better control on what your users can or can't do with their backup repositories.
- Fix single repository discovery when a user's home is a rdiff-backup repository.
- [SPONSORED] Add a new setting at the user level to define the user's role: Admin, Maintainer and/or User. Admins are authorized to do everything. Maintainers are authorized to browse and delete repo. Users are only authorized to browse #94.
- Add "Powered by" in the web interface footer #91.
- Display a nice error message when trying to delete admin user #93.
- Introduce usage of wtforms and flash in admin users for better form validation #96 #97.
- Update French translation.