Rdiffweb is the perfect web interface for Rdiff-backup because, through its many features, it ensures the use of the easiest open-source backup management software. In addition to easy access to backups and archives on your computers and servers, you get intuitive navigation through a simplified graphical interface that will allow you, and your customers, to manage its use and user interface in just a few clicks. Here are eight of the features that you will love!
Rapidly browse and restore your documents
Have you lost a file or a folder? Rdiffweb allows you to quickly view a list of your directories and navigate through the various backups to find the file or folder to restore. Thus, there is no longer any need to get lost in command lines. You can easily find the document or documents you want to access. You can select the version to be restored, and Rdiffweb offers to download a copy to your computer, in the form of an archive in a compressed ZIP or TAR.GZ format.

Easily centralize users' LDAP authentication
Are you a company of a certain size, or is your client a company with multiple employees? Easily managing users' access would save a lot of time. Using an external LDAP server, Rdiffweb allows the centralization of user authentication, with the ability to restrict access to one or more LDAP groups and adjust to your data structure. A Rdiffweb feature also lets you automatically create users from the LDAP server.

Real time notification of a malfunction
Want to be informed if backup activities don't work? The backup management software keeps an eye on it for you. You have the option to set up the notification system to receive an email if one of your new repositories has not been backed up in a while. If your backup remained inactive over this period, it means that your backup didn't work properly. You can stay on top of your backups and make sure they work well at all times!

Ensure that file names are displayed correctly according to their environment
Depending on whether you are using the Windows or Linux environment, encoding is essential because both operating systems use a different writing system, which can impact the display of your file names. To read them properly and make sure they are displayed correctly, Rdiffweb allows you to choose how to encode your backups. This configuration also allows you to seamlessly create ZIP and TAR.GZ archives with the right file names.

Easily manage users' access
Do you want to give controlled access to the backup management software to multiple users? Rdiffweb lets you regulate and control users' access to backups, as well as permissions for the actions they can take with the data. All you have to do is assign them the right role: • Administrator: all rights • Manager: read-only and data deletion • User: no data deletion

Easily set up the retention period
Don't want to end up with endless backup data? Because the Rdiff-backup software allows for incremental backups, it is essential to define a time-limited retention period. For every backup you make, you can set that retention period in just a few clicks. Rdiffweb will then launch the appropriate maintenance tasks to save your data for the configured period.

View statistics in a snap
Is it important for you to have easy access to backup activity statistics? Although Rdiff-backup collects statistical data during backups, the data is not easy to view. However, the web interface easily remedies this situation. Indeed, Rdiffweb allows you to see this data through clear diagrams and simple data sources, either for informational purposes or to isolate, for example, a problem or a failure.

Easily see disk space
Knowing the status of your backup space in relation to your disk's capacity is essential to stay ahead of a possible saturation that would require you to act urgently. Rdiffweb offers the possibility to easily view the current disk use through an image that allows you to see the space used by your backups in relation to the total disk capacity. This allows you to make the right decisions, either by preparing to increase your storage capacity or reducing your backups' retention periods before the lack of space becomes a problem.

As you can see, Rdiffweb is a must to ensure optimal use of Rdiff-backup open-source backup management software. Its many features are simple and easy to use and ensures that you and your client save time. You will optimize your backup processes and easily manage the users and disk space needed to manage the data backup system professionally.